Early Holders 4chan posts

The Holders Wikichan page was created on January 7, 2007, but crashed and had to be rebuilt at the very end of February. As such, little is known about the first two months beyond two February 2007 Internet Archive scans of  the main article. This draft is basically a digital notepad for Holders related 4chan psots from the era.

The various 4chan threads are arranged by dates of the OP post; threads falling on the same day are arranged in no particular order.

EDIT: ok, so it turns out that following the creation of the Wikichan page, /b/ (and 4chan in general) does not appear to have played much of a role in developing the Holders. Massive reposts of the Holders were very common and many of these threads psoted links to Wikichan (which surely drove traffic to that web page). However, it appears that any developments of interest were occuring on Wikichan which is a shame given that the talk page was not archvied before the great crash of late February 2007. 


  1. January 8, 2008
  • /b/ – Random » Thread #18671735 (sage.moe) (archive

Starts off as generic scary thread. During the thread, an anon posts the following (Mon 08 Jan 2007 13:19:33 No.18675134):

yeah, i was waiting for a creepy thread to show up.
we (as I’m part of the anonymous involved) are onto the Holder series.
we are archiving them here.
and writing some more.
in the discussion, you can see what’s coming.
should i repost from 1 to 9 ?

Ensuing conversation: shows that anons are working on 10-14. 
 People post these stories, one anon asks if they can psot to the wiki. Gets an affirmative response.

Lots of feedback: spelling, grammer, story content.

2. Other interesting things I’ve found.

January 12, 2007 of ethernet article on Gideon’s Key; includes the Holder of the Begginning and the Holder of the End.

By January 21, this would be a mass archvie of creepypasta (most of which is ritual pasta)

3. Threads I’ve looked at; didn’t find much of use despite having some Holders discussion

  • https://old.sage.moe/b/thread/18707474/
Last updated byCooldude971