“Welcome to a world without logic. A place of much pain, torment, with an extra helping of shock and awe. This is a Foundation that has failed without knowing, where inmates run the asylum and the last man has flown over the cuckoo’s nest.
This is the land of lolfoundation.”
‘”A derogatory term for additions to a SCP article that imply seriously unprofessional conduct among Foundation personnel, such as playing pranks on each other using dangerous anomalous objects or abjectly stupid behavior that is liable to get people injured or killed, as well as threats of punishment for such behavior. Once considered acceptable humor, these are now reviled by modern standards.”
‘”Keter duty” — In-universe threats to demote personnel to Class D or otherwise assigning them to dangerous Keter-class objects as a form of punishment. Considered a type of LOLFoundation and usually highly disliked.’
“It’s a term we use to denote articles and tales that show the Foundation as being grossly incompetent and staffed with lolwacky researchers doing loony tune things.”
“If it involves SCP based pranks, the phrase “Keter duty”, gratuitous crosstesting that ends in hilarious disaster, or cartoonish/fanfic-esque reductions of characters like Dr Clef or Dr. Bright, its probably LolFoundation.”
“Humorous addenda talking about some shenanigan the staff did and what terrible punishment awaits if they do it again
This is commonly known as “LOLFoundation.” While you may see it in older articles, it makes the Foundation look stupid and unprofessional, plus it’s a big tone-breaker.”
“Basically, it makes the Foundation look terribly unprofessional for the sake of humor or as an attempt to make an object seem more dangerous than it would otherwise.”
“lolFoundation is unprofessional, stupid, or dangerous behavior by Foundation personnel in an attempt to be funny.
Basically if it’s anything in the category of “Those darn researchers, not following protocol and being oh-so-wacky” or “Kondraki just murdered five personnel to get to the coffee machine. Oh that Kondraki, such a kidder…” or “SCP-WXYZ is not to be solicited for sex, and the next person to do so will be demoted! – O5-Grumblepiss
Basically, it’s the bullshit you thought was funny when you were twelve, except in the Foundation universe.”
Style and Rules
1. The Foundation is run by the senior staff author avatars, who are reality benders suffering from a cognition altering effect. They cannot see the terrible consequences of their actions. While to them, it’s silly fun stuff everyone loves, in reality the world is in anarchy.
2. Reality has been folded to the point where the anomalous is normal. People can be living an ordinary life one moment and be smote by the vengeance of [Dr.] Clef the next. Almost nobody in the world remembers the way things were before, and they can’t see what’s really happening either. The world hasn’t been destroyed, but society is more or less just acting out the motions. This isn’t to say you should write random shit, but don’t be afraid to break the rules for how some characters usually act. On the flip side, don’t mischaracterize the shit out of characters for no good reason.
3. The Foundation is a captive audience for the reality avatars. Some might remember the way things used to be, but most are blindly led by the senior staff and instilled with the old Foundations talking points.
Unfortunately, with the good came a lot of bad. There were numerous terrible entries created in late 2008 to early 2009. Although you had to make a wiki account to participate, we still had numerous items that were either Mary-Sue power fantasies or something really dumb/not suited for an SCP. Examples can be found on the decommissioned SCP page. This was in the wild yonder days before we went and purged the site with the Mass Edit,4 so there wasn’t a large process people could turn to by which we could delete a large number of these entries at once. Site administration noticed this, and DrClef in particular decided to take action. A user named Dantenson5 wrote SCP-239, the witch girl. In November of 2008, DrClef made this post on the discussion page:
Dr. A. Clef’s Report: My analysis of the situation has led me to the conclusion that SCP-239 is an unacceptable containment and security risk. Although several proposals have been made re: using her for containing other SCPs, the example of SCP-953 and others must serve as a stark reminder of the risks of underestimating the Foundation’s ability to control SCPs with reality-altering powers.
I would therefore like to make the following proposal: a piercing implement will be constructed of SCP-148, capable of penetrating SCP-239’s otherwise impenetrable skin. This tool will be used to kill SCP-239 while she is asleep and her powers are neutralized. Because of the danger of SCP-239 awakening and resisting termination, it is my recommendation that the selected operative carry SCP-668 as well, in order to minimize complications.
One of the dangers of this procedure is the possibility that SCP-239 will awaken and perceive the operative as a friend or “good person,” thus changing reality to match. It is for this reason that I would like to volunteer to carry out the procedure personally. A review of my personnel file should indicate that my [DATA EXPUNGED] should allow me to carry out the operation even after a reality shift of this nature.
– Clef
Following this post, Clef was contacted by DrKondraki, who said that if Clef was going to attempt to destroy 239, then Kondraki would be obligated to go against him. This soon evolved into the story “Termination Order”, also known as the “War of the Doctors”, which was brought to the wiki on December 4th, 2008. In the course of the story, many of the unpopular articles were decommissioned, which resulted in the story being massively popular. More decomm’s would follow in its wake.
The system for decommissioning articles was similar to our current practice of deletion. When staff members noticed an article approaching an exceptionally low rating, and nobody wished to/was able to save it, they would call for a decomm. If enough support was gathered, a decommissioning story would be written and the article in question would be deleted. A copy would then be preserved on the decommissioned SCP section. Unfortunately, the original discussion pages for these articles was also deleted. However, one article I have found still has a portion of the process remaining. SCP-213 was called to be decomm’d before NekoChris rewrote it, and as such still has a discussion on whether or not it could be removed.
Decommissioning stories usually involved various senior staff author avatars using increasingly silly means to destroy bad SCPs. It went from articles in which the destroyers used computer viruses to destroy them, to large explosions, to giant metal fists slamming into them. They were also the first time we really saw senior staff author avatars being used in real stories. We got the Clef/Kondraki rivalry from this time, as well as the Dr. Bright, Professor Crow, The Fishmonger,6 Dr. Rights, Agent Streliknov, Dr. Light, Dr. Mann, Iceberg, Break, and Dr. Glass characters. It was a time of character pieces, fun stories in which interesting characters did cool things in unique places.
There were other decommissioning stories that came after Termination Order, each one trying to be more over the top then the previous one. We had a giant steel fist annihilating Ben the Cyborg, the noble warrior Dyne putting himself on the chopping block, and the ChronoKomodo being blasted to smithereens. The nature of these stories kept getting more and more extreme, culminating in the creation of what is widely regarded as the most OTT decommissioning, Duke till Dawn.”
Most of the 31 officially tagged lolFoundation content on the SCP Wiki are tales. Numerous tales on the SCP Wiki are reputationally purported to be lolFoundation, however, to not feature the tag.[15][16][17][18]
Two are SCP articles with the tag and on the lolFoundation hub:
- SCP-3621 Best Intentions by DrMagnus
- SCP-6747 CHAOS THEORY by Azamo, Placeholder McD, Ralliston, and stephlynch
Reception & Legacy
“In addition, that final note seems like lolFoundation to me. Bad taste is nothing compared to being slowly and painfully turned into an animal. I would remove it. Some people downvote just for that kind of stuff, since it breaks their immersion and thus their enjoyment of the article.” — DeviantDharma, August 2013[19]“There’s a soft spot in my heart for all the old LF stuff and Author Avatar nonsense. But the times have changed.” — Dr Solo, 2016[20]
“Duke till Dawn served as a sort of wake-up call for the site administration. The plot of Dr. Kondraki riding SCP-682, causing enormous damage to a Foundation facility and killing tons of people showed how far off the spectrum they had gone. Instead of destroying Mary-Sues, they were making more of them. DrClef made this post in the SCP History thread:
At this point, we get a little stupid. We start decommissioning SCPs left and right. People are competing for the funniest and most imaginative decoms. And it all comes to a head with Duke till Dawn, the most over the top decom report of all time. And that’s when it hits us: we’ve become the monster.
In our efforts to get rid of mary sue SCPs, we only succeeded in created mary sue researchers.
My history on the site since then has been devoted to trying to fix everything I fucked up. I don’t regret what happened: the energy and excitement led to some of the best writing we’ve ever had, but while we were roaring down the highway at 90 mph with the wind in our hair, we didn’t realize we were heading straight towards a cliff. We managed to hit the brakes with two wheels hanging off the edge, climb gingerly out of the car, wrestle it back onto solid ground, and now we’re doing 65 on a road running parallel to the cliff. – DrClef
As the wiki rolled into March, some restraint was attempted in wiki business. Characters were toned down somewhat (although not all characters were). Attempts were made to return to a more serious tone. Not everyone supported these changes, most notably the popular site admin DrKondraki. He preferred to see the Foundation in its old style, and didn’t appreciate the darker tone. Kondraki began to act out, editing people’s pages and trolling many site users. Many people complained about this behavior, but he was always let off the hook.”
“There had been a backlash against silly building ever since LOLFoundation had started, and with Kondraki’s fall it was catalyzed. There was a massive backlash against the silly, carefree tone of the earlier site. People were tired of silly, and wanted to return to a more serious tone. This was encouraged by staff members such as DrBright, Heiden, A Fat Ghost, and PoorYoric, who welcomed this change and were quick to embrace it.
This backlash against the silly began to gain more and more momentum, and by July it had become the new law of the land. Nothing better demonstrates the move to a more serious Foundation than Active Duty, the second SCP RP.”
“unprofessional or idiotic behavior by foundation personnel. usually lolfoundation, but also applicable to any time someone does something that they should not have the authority to do.”
“Read through the entries, and as a person who isn’t a Touhou fan, they sounded like LOLFoundation entries by female clones of Researcher James. That is to say, I wasn’t entertained.”
Despite falling out of favor on the main SCP Wiki, tropes explored and introduced in the initial effort have continued to have lasting popularity among the wider SCP fanbase. Numerous lolFoundation articles have survived and are well-liked, and a similar popularity is seen in a new resurgence in the style in the years 2018-2022. Multiple accomplished authors praise the style’s humorous qualities, which are counted as a welcome change of pace for the themes and tone of the SCP Wiki. The antics of the lolFoundation era would arguably encourage the site to exit its focus on strictly horror early on, and may have been pivotal in the classification by some of the more holistic wiki as “New Weird” writing.[27]
In a debate about the style, user wishun stated:[28]
“Please note that there is a division of opinion on this. Lolfoundation is not universally despised by all, thought it’s easy to get that impression. It’s just that the vast majority of lolfoundation attempts are exceedingly lame, unfunny, and/or cliche. The general membership has grown justifiably sick of these flops, and has allowed that to taint their opinion of the whole class.
I for one maintain that there is such a thing as good lolfoundation, rare as it may be.”
To which thedeadlymoose replies:
“I think it’s because a number people refer to any humorous stuff as LolFoundation. Definitional drift.”
Neo-lolFoundation (2018- )
Beginning in 2018, the SCP Wiki has seen an increase in the frequency and popularity of a style that hearkens back to lolFoundation elements. This style is characterized by self-referential or meta-oriented prose and/or dialogue that makes core compromises with in-universe believably, in order to invoke a feeling of quirkiness. It mostly involves Series 6 and 7 articles.
Shared qualities between this school and lolFoundation include: the antics of the Senior Staff/O5 characters, a lighthearted, irreverent tone, unprofessional conduct among Foundation personnel, articles and tales that show the Foundation as cartoonized and grossly incompetent, fanfic-esque reductions of characters like Dr Clef or Dr. Bright, humorous addenda commonly referring to unprofessional, undignified, or dangerous behavior by an unreasonable staff who are given warnings of punishment if such antics are repeated, the non-use of the -J designation in articles that break clinical tone for the sake of a camp-style humor, immoderate characters and dialogue, and the blurring of what is considered in-and-out of universe.
First-wave authors who adopted this style include djkaktus and Rounderhouse; second-wave authors include: J Dune, PlaguePJP, DodoDevil, Placeholder McDoctorate, JakDragonX, and HarryBlank, and other artists in the collaborative proximity of these authors.[29] The larger-than-life Senior Staff characters of classical lolFoundation are often replaced by in-universe author inserts, such as those of SCP Wiki authors Placeholder McD (“Doctor McDoctorate“), HarryBlank (Dr. Harold R. Blank), and djkaktus’ (Jean Karlyle Aktus). Neo-lolFoundation pushes this further to include author-specific CSS inserts.[30][31][32]
As an explicit example of Neo-lolFoundation by way of SCP Wiki tags, SCP-6747 features the following: doctor-bright, doctor-clef,-doctor-kondraki, doctor-mcdoctorate, meta, lolfoundation.[33]
A resurgence of lolFoundation style arguably began in 2018 with the notable and widely-publicized posting of djkaktus’ SCP-4000 contest article, “Bush v. Gore”.[34] The article came in second place in the contest and was massively popular. It featured the over-the-top antics of classic SCP Foundation Wiki characters familiar to lolFoundation works, and inserted frivolity in the highest of the fictional SCP Foundation’s official ranks and meetings.
djkaktus at one point was asked to and considered adding the lolFoundation tag to SCP-4444, but decided not to after arguments that it would lessen the impact of his article, perhaps by associating it with a long-gone and mostly-disliked style of writing containment fiction:

djkaktus is asked in chat whether the lolFoundation tag would be fitting for what came to be SCP-4444.
djkaktus’ article entry for the SCP-5000 contest, “MEGALOMANIA”[35] would continue in this style, and reinforce its appeal to a wider audience. However, this time, the entry was met with substantially more resistance to the lolFoundation aspects of the work:
“Gonna be honest- Just because you make references to pop culture and current political events/people and turn it all wacky and quirky or whatever doesn’t mean you’ve made an amazing skip worthy of 5000.” — maximiguel[36]
“a ten thousand word shitpost. amazing” — leo60228[37]
“This article reminds me of one of Peter’s fights with the Giant Chicken from Family Guy. It starts out absurd and funny, loses steam the longer it goes, and then gets a second wind because the sheer length of the thing makes it funny. But unlike the Giant Chicken fights, this story drops off at the end because the final plot twist essentially invalidates the joke that’s supposed to carry the article.” — A Random Day[38]
lolFoundation is mentioned explicitly:
“My brains has melted into two puddles deciding on whether I should upvote or downvote. On one hand, this a great sequel to 4444, but on the other hand, this feels too LOLfoundation and random = funny. Uhh, upvote, goddamnit!+1
edit: no vote” — Koooper[39]
“It’s 2020. Can we please stop upvoting low-effort lolfoundation random humor articles that feel like they were written in 2012 just because they’re by a popular author? I have no problem with funny scips, but this is going to feel unbelievably dated in a year, every joke feels like a desperate attempt to seem quirky, and referencing every popular character makes this read like a gratuitous self-insert story from a decade ago. I can’t tell people how to vote, but if this is genuinely the kind of writing you want in the 5000 slot I suggest you take a long look in the mirror. Like come on people” — amindele[40]
“I don’t care about the “this is too close to lolfoundation” aspect, I’m no longer invested enough in SCP to care.” — LordGoopy[41], Show More, 15 Jan 2020, 22:14, Show Revision
“Deliciously lolFoundation.” — Quadruple Stuffed[42]
“I think this article perfectly encapsulates everything I dislike about this website. -1. Not every piece of art on the planet needs to be insufferably cloy winky lolrandom humor with a layer of poisonous irony on top… This is just like, my actively least favorite kind of thing on this wiki. I do not think it should be SCP-5000 and I do not think it belongs here-or anywhere-at all. If you are looking for what the new cliche on this site is, it’s not murderous monster-men, it’s not antimemes or word-salad. It’s not anything like that, it’s this. I have liked other articles by this author in the past, just to be clear that I have no personal grudge here, I just actively cannot stand any part of this… The whole “lolFoundation” style of writing just is….very not my cup of tea, partly because I think it’s reflective of some general trends in the arts that I’m not fond of and partly because it reminds me of a specific period of this site’s history that I don’t like being reminded of (you’re probably familiar with what I’m talking about. If not, don’t worry about it).” — planet Jane[43]
“While I can understand fully why this piece has turned so many people off, as a comedy of errors, this article was pretty amusing. While a little more lolFoundation than I usually care for, there was a fair amount of transcripts that played out with some solid comedy. ” — Jacob Conwell[44]
“There were several lolFoundation moments that I think fell flat for me; while I think lolFoundation can be great if they are played up to maximum and then breaking consideration, I don’t think that the piece achieved that point to me.” — SoullessSingularity[45]
The sudden return to a lolFoundation style by a popular and influntial author caused philosophical discussions to occur regarding the role and necessity of the -J (joke) designation:
“As others have pointed out, this article is a ride from start to finish. It opens with an established world — that being chaotic, lolFoundationy stuff framed in the clinical language of an SCP document — and doesn’t really stray beyond that. No internal rules are being violated, if that makes sense. There is no subversion to be found within the article.
Honestly, the fact that this discussion is even occurring kind of proves that “-J vs mainlister” should be up to the author. You can never clearly define a Joke article, so why bother?” — Nagrios[46]
“Cringe. This deserves to be a -j. This is why people are turning against kaktus” — Moondoox[47]
“Are you forgetting about the entire lolFoundation period, and lolFoundation canon, for that matter? Articles being decidedly not serious have had a pretty long-standing history on the site; and even if this type of article were unprecedented, why would you care? Using the Foundation format in new ways is hardly something that should be discouraged.” –Nagrios [48]
“I don’t think you understand what we mean when we say “there is no canon”. It means there is no canon. People can write about whatever they want on this site as long as it is received positively. Doesn’t matter if the tone is silly, serious, realistic, fantastical, etc. Doesn’t matter if it directly contradicts other articles.
LolFoundation existing on this site does not erase the serious tone of other articles. It just offers an alternative. Other things existing besides ultra serious uber scary SCPs does not delete those ultra serious uber scary SCPs from existence.” — TheMightyMcB[49]
It would also cause a newer generation of SCP Wiki authors to take up and evolve the style further into a school. The most notable pupil of this school is SCP Wiki author Rounderhouse, who is a top author on the site by way of total upvote count,[50] and is widely considered djkaktus’ student and protege.[51][52]
Rounderhouse’s writing style has been described by a published critic as “clean of confusing or pretentious language, digestible, and easily fits the site format… Rounderhouse continues his trend of more narrative-based works, as opposed to factual reports, creepypastas, or the punchline-based stories so popular on the wiki recently.“[53]
While not an exclusive style, a large portion of Rounderhouse’s works, and particularly his later works, exemplify the tonality, organization (such as an at-the-end punchline delivery or an opening out-of-universe joke), and philosophy of Neo-lolFoundation:
- SCP-6196 opens with an out-of-universe definition accompanied by two humorous lines of dialogue, which would be repeated later in the article proper.
- SCP-5377 splices SCP Foundation Senior Staff Tilda Moose (thedeadlymoose) with insults and swearing, as well as the inclusion of Frosted Flakes mascot Tony the Tiger.
- SCP-5929 is about the human race developing from the micturition of an alien life form, and uses a punchline-based ending, with an O5 Council member stating “I just feel like it’d be really awkward, you know?”
- SCP-5376 is a putrefied corpse that believes it is Evel Knievel, and that induces explosions/self-detonations; numerous interview logs that are emblematic of Neo-lolFoundation dialogue.
- SCP-5149 places a humorous punchline ending in a collapsible, giving a clear demonstration of Neo-lolFoundation’s compromises with an in-universe immersion, and preference for an out-of-universe epistemology informing the structure of the in-universe document.
- SCP-5983 follows the same formula of SCP-5929, and features a comical casting of an O5 Council vote, as well as a punchline ending from a Council member, insinuating that a nuclear weapon is detonated in reaction to the mundane irritation towards train schedules. (“In my defense, if you’ve ever been on the 8:30 to Broadway, you’d want to nuke something too.”)
- SCP-4852 casts Senior Staff / Neo-lolFoundation inserts such as Dr Tilde Moose, Director Jean Karlyle Aktus, Dr Bright, Dr Clef, Dr Kondraki, Kain Pathos Crow, and the O5 Council in the light-hearted context and profanity of an anomalous event that partially turns a SCP Foundation research wing into a chicken.
- SCP-4661 casts an aweless Senior Researcher (House) in a grandiose mission to tame a spatiotemporal overlap of Las Vegas and a circle of hell; the researcher’s name chosen to end on a pun about casino rules.
- SCP-4513 enacts a textual anomaly that cross-pollinates any two involved documents to result in absurdist-theater prose; the examples involve pop culture references, and numerous inuendos involving the male genitalia, including the final one, a joke about an erection.
- SCP-5383 features kitsch dialogue with a demon (“Blaagaroth”), features an in-universe document that includes the phrase “Downvote without leaving a comment”, and features the O5 Council ineptly attempting to research and enact a purported anomaly which they must commit heinous sins to actualize.
Other Authors & Examples
- SCP-6069, by Nickthebrick1
- SCP-6056, by HarryBlank
- SCP-6263, by HarryBlank
- SCP-5847, by tstaffor
- SCP-6598, by PlaguePJP, HarryBlank, Cremo, & J Dune
- SCP-6790, by Machen2 & DrGooday
- SCP-6990, by RadiantGold
- SCP-6453 (“Shit Yeti”), by J Dune
Thematically, Neo-lolFoundation heavily features ostentatious characters, vulgar language, appeals to meme and popular culture for consumer palatability, hyperized visual and compositional aesthetics, an emphasis on entertainment and production value, audience-satisfaction, a de-prioritization of the containment fiction genre and format’s boundaries, simplicity in sentence construction, numerical indications of writing quality, a focus on marketability, and the target of lowest-common denominator writing for the purposes of reader accessability.[54][55][56][57][58]
“An article doesn’t just need to be, you know, Item #, Object Class… it can be all kinds of different things. [SCP-6500] is borderline within the format, but it is a monumental piece of work. Like, the work that went into it is kinda insane. Is it like those early articles? Does it fit neatly within the bonds of those first articles like the way they are formatted and structured? No, not even remotely. But is it very very cool? Yes, it is extremely cool.”
“People sometimes within this community kinda get hung up on the idea of articles being a certain way and I think it is more important, especially when you are talking about, you know, writing for an audience that you have to remember, you are trying to entertain people. Right? Like you are trying to do something creative in a way that provides a benefit to an audience. And, for my money, if I think I can do that more effectively with a story that doesn’t fit within the boundaries of the format, then I don’t give a shit about the format. It is more important to me that I’m able to tell a story that is cool and that people like, than it is that I tell a story in a way that fits within a certain set of rules. Not to say that the rules don’t have value… they’re effectively a restriction on fiction by forcing you to a certain kind of confine as you’re working on creating a narrative, but… fighting against those rules, and finding ways to be creative around them, while still maintaining the general shape of those rules is one of the really cool things about writing here, because you always have to be doing that if you want to be pushing the envelope.”
— djkaktus, Creative Stuff Podcast[59]
Various Quotes
(On SCP-6263:)
“I’m not sure how this isn’t a Joke SCP. It has a setup and a punchline. There’s nothing a -J has that this doesn’t have.” — Vincent Van Gone[60]
“No, if it was a -J it would be a man going “this joke SCP isn’t a real SCP” which would be fucking unintelligible, thanks! What you mean to say is “You shouldn’t have posted this at all.” — HarryBlank[61]
“Really, though, it should be a -J. I don’t think it’d be unintelligible at all. And I don’t just say that because it’s funny and silly, but because the exchange at the end and apparent falsity of the anomaly indicate the lack of competence that’s usually the domain of the joke Foundation.” — Kothardarastrix[62]
(In reply:)
“I think that would be dumb” –HarryBlank[63]
(On SCP-6453:)
“I’m very tired of articles where the O5 council are a bunch of cartoon characters doing ridiculous bullshit to appease an anomaly. I can believe the Konami code for sin, because they have a vested interest in not going to Hell. I can even buy distributing Jesus-milk around the world because it’s the only feasible means of containment. But it’s patently ridiculous that the thirteen most powerful people on the planet would pretend to like biweekly boxes of yeti shit instead of just terminating the damn shit yeti. This is like those series one self-inserts that got Xboxes in their containment chambers because you wouldn’t like them when they’re angry, but somehow even more ridiculous…
Get your pitchforks and torches ready, because I think this – if it must exist at all – ought to be a joke article. This isn’t a thing I say lightly; I was a defender of the amogus SCPs, and still am. But the only seriousness to be had in this article is the low-brow shock “horror” of the aforementioned shit porn. Everything else was the O5 council and the foundation as a whole being put through a toilet humor comedy routine. I don’t like seeing the Foundation humiliated this way, because it’s silly and (apparently mostly just in my opinion) unrealistic when taking place outside a designated silly canon like a joke article. And despite this article’s seeming attempts to the contrary (unless I’ve misread authorial intent, a real possibility) I do not sympathize with the shit yeti. It should feel bad, because it’s a degenerate shit yeti that thinks dumping boxes of shit on politicians is art. That’s groan-inducingly ridiculous. No one would laugh at or feel sorry for a human who dumps boxes of diseased shit on people’s heads.
And most of all, I’m really frustrated that nobody else seems to feel this way. It’s baffling.” — Kothardarastrix[64][65]
“It can be mentioned here in footnote that the exemplar figures who have most helped popularize this style are also the ones who have a penchant for marketing themselves aggressively; this generously affords the turn-key argument that the proliferation of this style, its success, and therefore the reasoning as to why other authors would want to mimic it, their success — and on and on — is that marketing effort itself, above and beyond what the writing alone would merit in the form of attention.
The insecure ambition of the self-situated “outcasts” in the community are quick to mimic this marketing strategy, as it provides them the fastest and most direct pathway to the cultural acceptance that they believe is what is lacking in their identities and lives… Writing critique is easier than writing containment fiction, and memetic neo-lolFoundation writing is easier than writing critique. It’s a lowering of the difficulty level in writing the confic format. It takes the challenge away and replaces it with “lol”. ” — Lack of Lepers[66]
“There’s definitely less of an emphasis on clinical language, which I actually like as that was all a weird sham anyway, but at the cost of precision. I often feel like, some authors aside, people don’t really do much specific research much any more, stuff feels based on stereotypes and can be quite generic.” –LordStoneFish[67]
“In threading this through these other entries, the stitching pattern makes itself apparent: these are the unmistakable memetic signatures of a social media platform. What’s off about them is that in each, the butt of the joke is at the expense of the site as a writing platform. SCP-6000-J is “funny” becasue this is a site meant for original works, these presumably of a high standard. The joke tale is 100% addressing the social side of writing here. The Japanese squid emoji sneaks by as a joke (I guess) on the pretense of documentation and its anomalies. The 001 is just a borrowed bulleted list item from SCP’s TV tropes website, replayed in-universe, barely.
With all these “layer 2” entries, the base layer of an actual writing site seems like a distant, crushed remnant. The weight straining the layer 1 is increasing thanks to an assumption so taken for granted, that it is undoing itself. The social layer is replacing the writing one as the base.
The thing under the floorboards is the crushed ideal of SCP as a respectable writing site first, and a social experience second.” — Lack of Lepers[68]
“Nobody cared about this article in the context of everything that isn’t writing, and that’s depressing.” — Furret/WarOnSound[69]
“The effect is the annexation of the long-stood “-J” categorization of articles into the mainlist, the distinction and allowance for the zany, the wacky, the unapologietically incongruous to be elevated and celebrated as is, and without the need for the added designation. Articles that were in the past chuted towards the -J sensibility are now excused as the mainlist variety. Examples are common in modern articles and have no shortage of exemplars to mimic.” — Lack of Lepers [70]
The first recorded use of “Keter Duty” on the SCP Wiki is SCP-113, which was posted in September 2009. (The use of “Keter Duty” has since been removed; Rev.20)[71][72]
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↑41 |, Show More, 15 Jan 2020, 22:14, Show Revision |
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