Writing Styles

Distinct schools of Containment Fiction writing exist which are unique to the genre. They utilize the conventions of the format to conduct their own style and exhibit it for the reader.

Colossal Containment Fiction

Characterized by big scale and using style over substance with widely known and used tropes to appeal to a wide audience, which is why it is also known as the “Michael Bay” style.






Grimbliss Containment Fiction

Combining dark imagery, emotional evocation and abstraction to achieve a gripping and unique flavor that has to be read to fully understand, even then you might not understand it.

Notable Authors:

Faminepulse Soulless Fantem

Mister Containment Fiction

Stemming from the Little Mister series of SCP format articles and the subsequent articles inspired by their format and organization.

First Iteration:

Tales of Mister Collector

Little Mister Articles – it wasn’t supposed to be a thing but then it was.

Further Iterations:

The bootleg misters list

Gamers against weed list

Arcadia game catalog


Salman Corbette




Jekeled – Senior purple was ahead of its time

Last updated bypixelatedHarmony