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Logo artist: Worm that Walks.

Containment Fiction Wiki

Brought to you by The Society for Containment Fiction. This wiki is designated for public access.

Welcome To The Containment Fiction Wiki

This is a web page created for the purpose of documenting and broadening the understanding of Containment Fiction, an internet fiction subgenera that has existed since 2007. We hope you find the following contents to be enlightening and interesting.

Please join us on Discord and become a part of the conversation. Email us at We are always eager to hear from our readers, your suggestions are invaluable and your knowledge is priceless.

About Us

We are passionate about documenting the emergent writing form of Containment Fiction, a genre stemming from creepypasta with examples being the SCP Foundation, RPC Authority, Chaos Insurgency, Wayward Society, and other smaller writing groups. The purpose of this Wiki is to document the tropes, variations, terminology, history, and other necessary information to be an encyclopedia for the niche writing culture. The audience would primarily be those already interested in containment fiction, along with those interested about it or who might utilize it as a secondary source.

Mission Statement


Resources & Links

Site Structure

The website is divided into two portals.

One is the Mainlist Wiki, which is simply a display and archive of completed works, and doesn’t offer any frontend interaction. This is, as the name suggests, the confic equivalent of a mainlist. The Mainlist Wiki is here. The articles can be viewed in categories here.

The second is the user portal. This is the collaborative part of the site, for anyone interested in creating a wiki article — whether for approval or just to have fun writing. The UserWiki portal is here. You can view the most recent UserWiki creations and projects by clicking here. You must be logged in to create a page. Go to the Forums to sign up. Once you are logged in, visit the UserWiki portal and there will now be a button for adding pages, seen in the image below:

A wild “New Article” appears.

If you have a product article you’d like to be considered for approval into the Mainlist Wiki, send it to, message user “containmentfiction” on the Forums, or join our Discord.

Viva la Confic!

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