


In the context of the SCP Foundation, “in-universe” refers to perspectives, explanations, or narratives that exist within the fictional reality of the SCP Foundation universe. These accounts treat the SCP Foundation, its contained anomalies, and related organizations as real entities within that fictional world. In-universe content is typically written from the perspective of Foundation personnel or related entities, using clinical tone, scientific terminology, and adhering to established Foundation protocols and hierarchies.


“Out-of-universe” refers to perspectives that acknowledge the SCP Foundation as a collaborative fiction project. This approach discusses SCPs, tales, and Foundation elements as creative works authored by contributors to the SCP Wiki. Out-of-universe discussions might address writing techniques, community trends, authorial intent, or the real-world development of the SCP creative community. Such discussions treat the Foundation universe as fictional rather than real.


“Dual-universal” content operates simultaneously on both in-universe and out-of-universe levels, creating a meta-commentary that bridges the fictional world and the creative process. Examples include:

  1. Pataphysics SCPs: Objects that interact with their own fictional nature or breach narrative layers (e.g., SCP-3999, SCP-5999, SCP-3812)
  2. Self-referential content: Documents that acknowledge their status as written works while remaining in-character (like the “Database Errors” canon)
  3. Author avatars: Characters who represent or reference real authors while existing within the Foundation universe
  4. Format screws: Entries that deliberately subvert established documentation formats to create meta-narrative effects

This dual approach allows for complex storytelling that explores the relationship between fiction and reality, often blurring the boundary between the contained anomalies and the process of collaborative writing itself.


*This entry was written by AI.