Archives : January-2023

Redaction/expungement are literary devices common to containment fiction articles that censor information in order to create mystery, intrigue, and drama. The tactic is associated with containment fiction documents/articles, and not precedent forms of fiction, e.g. The Holders or creepypasta in general. The device originated on 4chan’s /x/ in an effort to further convey a bureaucratic ..

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Anonypoet, later known as scroton,[1][2] was an early SCP author, active on EditThis and WikiDot. They are most notable for writing SCP-579 (“[DATA EXPUNGED]”), though they also wrote SCP-1398 (“Hateful Dead”), and a non-viable (rewritten) SCP-071 (“New-Age Succubus”). They are known for their work with expungement/redaction. SCPs SCP-579 (“[DATA EXPUNGED]”) SCP-579 was written and first ..

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This article is a work in progress. “I can’t speak for others, but to me, my tales are much more personal. An SCP is built according to a preexisting format, and you can usually only go so far with one. A tale, on the other hand, is pure creative potential. I’m defensive about my tales ..

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Arcibi, also known previously as Arc and “Captain Cactus and the Water Preservation Squad”, is an early SCP author, mainly active on /x/ and EditThis. They wrote SCP-294 (“The Coffee Machine”), SCP-127 (“The Living Gun”), and a non-viable SCP-627 (“The Companion Cube”).[1][2][3][4][5] SCPs SCP-294 – “The Coffee Machine” SCP-294 is an early and influential SCP ..

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