Epic Phail Spy was an early SCP author active during the EditThis era of the SCP Wiki. Historically, they are known for SCP-018, and their work on DrGears SCP-682. Epic Phail Spy was also involved in the early organization of SCPs, and pushed for quality over quantity.[1]https://archive.ph/TzVOS#selection-8799.0-8817.2[2]https://archive.ph/xQdvZ#selection-1415.0-1441.174[3]https://archive.ph/xQdvZ#selection-1447.0-1447.144 EditThis Archived logs of recent changes to the ..
Archives : November-2022
You will be redirecte..
This article is a stub and needs additional citations. You can help by creating/editing a page on the UserWiki. The Chaos Insurgency Wiki is a containment fiction writing website and its associating community.[1]http://ci-wiki.wikidot.com It is an unofficial spin-off from the SCP Foundation’s canon focused on the ‘group of interest’ of the same name. Writing Chaos ..
This article is a stub. You can help by creating/editing a page on the UserWiki. Level 0 is the most popular article on the Backrooms/Tech Support Wiki as of January 2022. It was written by etoile, serving as a launching point to read about other articles in the BR/TS universe. The image it uses is ..
This article is a stub. You can help by creating/editing a page on the UserWiki. Level 1 is the most popular article within the Liminal Archives containment fiction community. It has composite authorship, having been written and rewritten by multiple authors at different times. The article itself is about an infinite space which primarily serves ..
The Holder of Love is an article from the Holders series. Unlike the majority of Holders articles, it does not contain a ritual but rather details how horribly doomed the Seeker is if they ever attempt to obtain this Object. Published April 2007, the Holder of Love is one of the oldest examples of a ..
The WikiDot Blackout of 2022, also known as The Great WikiDot Outage of 2022, was an interruption in WikiDot services beginning on May 19, 2022. It was the longest WikiDot outage known to date and arrested all activity on all major containment fiction platforms for its duration, as well as third-party applications, such as the ..
Liminal fiction, or limfic, is the stylistic designation given to a literary subgenre that is focused on transitionary ethereal spaces, and later, the narratives and characters that take place within them. Limfic communities are primarily extant on the WikiDot platform and feature a heavy overlap with containment fiction demographics, authors, and social media spaces, and ..
“001 needs to make you question reality.”[1]https://archive.vn/dIUWj#selection-16176.0-16251.7 The first slot, also commonly known as a 001 entry, is the the first entry on a containment fiction series list. Most 001s aspire to explore/explain the origins of the containment organization, be large-scope pieces of lore, and/or be exceptionally classified in-universe, available to top credentials only. The 001 ..
SCP-232-ARC (hereafter SCP-232) is an archived SCP about a relief statue that casts harmful shadows. The SCP was first posted on January 13, 2008 and is still present on the SCP Foundation website. It is the oldest known surviving SCP after SCP-173 and of the oldest extant containment fiction articles predating the vast majority of ..