ProcyonLotor’s WikiDot profile picture, as of Nov 2021.
ProcyonLotor, also known as CrocutaCrocuta, CorvusCaurinus, or simply “Procy”, was a SCP Wiki Senior Staff member, serving as a moderator, chat operator, and captain of multiple teams, until December 2021.
ProcyonLotor was in charge of the Licensing Team since at least 2018[1] and was a member of the team since at least 2016. He was also captaining the SCP Wiki Community Outreach Team, which has the primary responsibility of organizing the Wiki’s contests. Several milestones, including multiple x000 Contests were undertaken during his tenure.
Known for being dedicated to performing staff work, he has also been a controversial figure due to a perceived aggressive attitude.[2] In June of 2021, ProcyonLotor was nominated to be an Administrator of the SCP Wiki,[1]https://archive.ph/TS4M7 which attracted much controversy and is widely seen as a poor decision.[3][4] The outrage created by his near-miss promotion resulted in the overhaul of the promotions process at SCP, and established policy in the event of a failed administrator promotion.[2]https://archive.ph/XxMUn
SCP Staff Career
Promoted to Junior Staff after his record on chat staff, there was some hesitation due to temperamental issues but it was seen that his dedication outweighed potential negative consequences of his personality.[5] Becoming staff after doing grunt work[6] he also impressed the staff through his retaliatory efforts against persistent nuisances within the IRC chat.
Procyon was promoted to Moderator in Q2 of 2016.[7]
In September 2017, Procyon assumed co-captaincy of the community outreach team from Decibelles’ abdication of staff duties.[8] Procyon would orchestrate and run a majority of the site’s contests thereafter due to this role.
In June 2021, Procyon’s prospective Administrative promotion was historically stalled.[9] This marked the first time in the site’s 13 year history that an Administrative promotion was unsuccessful.
ProcyonLotor announced he would be going into reserve staff on December 6, 2021, citing improved psychological health since reducing his on-site presence and activity.[3]https://archive.ph/B7haZ
SCP Staff Chat Career
Procyon’s first position in the official staff hierarchy was through the chat staff.[10] Later he became a chat Admin for his services, including fielding #site17 questions, enacting bans and kicks, and to the criticism of some, the doxing of trolls per Administrator tasking.[11]
Procyon resigned from his chat duties along with his site duties on December 6, 2021.
Author Work
Procyon was not an active writer.[4]https://archive.ph/iPKFz In the decade he has been on the SCP Wiki, he has a surviving total of one contribution; a tale from 2013 titled “Every Damn Time“, which has positive reviews, particularly for a tale.[5]https://web.archive.org/web/20211021134335/https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/every-damn-time
Licensing Work
Perhaps Procyon’s most notable work for staff has come in regards to licensing issues, which he has a strong understanding of, and has real-life work experience in paralegal affairs. He is often seen being called upon to answer difficult questions in #site17 staff help chat regarding licensing issues.
Procyon proved to be a valuable member to the team, and was eventually made co-captain with Vincent Redgrave by 2015.[12] His leadership in the 2017 -RU Licensing Crisis was instrumental in the peaceful resolution of the conflict, and -EN’s eventual, celebrated victory. In chat logs from the time,[6]https://www.containmentfiction.net/wiki/chat-logs/ Procyon’s performance in this event was what made Redgrave eventually nominate him as sole Captain of the licensing team, a position he held until December 2021.[13][14]
Failed Adminship
ProcyonLotor has a well-established history, by reputation and by chat logs, of being “vocal”, and speaking his mind. Depending upon who is asked, this either is a strong leadership quality,[15] or the wholesale mistreatment of users. In his self-submitted staff bio, Procyon writes that “He can appear grumpy at times.”[16] Procyon’s rude and demeaning comments are common across his history with the site, and along with typifying the elitism that critics attribute to SCP, he arguably helped contribute to the impression that staff is exempt from Rule Zero, as he has avoided disciplinary citation for much of it. He is also noted to be drunk several times in official staff chats, acting in an official capacity, and making lewd comments, or facetiously giving questionable orders to his subordinates, e.g. to kiss one another.[7]https://www.containmentfiction.net/wiki/procyonlotor-chat/ His strong reputation as a difficult and verbally aggressive individual, quoted as “snarky” behavior,[8]https://web.archive.org/web/20180326020953/http://05command.wikidot.com/forum/t-2212889/disciplinary-procyonlotor is why influential members of the site and a large portion of the userbase protested his candidacy and a vote to promote him to Administrator.[17][18]
Proponents of Procyon claim that he has made a dramatic change in the 2020-2021 year leading up to his nomination as Administrator.[3] However, if true, this is not and has not been made evident to the remaining staff members and userbase, and he has been cited in pseudo-disciplinary matters since, again featuring known traits. [19] A change in commentary style can be observed in his forum posts around the time of his nomination and vote; these tend to be short, to-the-point, and level-headed; something that critics would say is uncharacteristic and suspiciously so given the timing at hand.
After promotions were reworked after this incident, a promotions thread was again created, this time with ProcyonLotor’s nomination replaced with ManyMeats and stormbreath.[9]https://archive.ph/n3JH2. A statement recognizing the events that removed him is included by the original poster:
ProcyonLotor was originally intended to be nominated and voted on alongside Conwell, Stormbreath, and ManyMeats; however, Procyonlotor approached the administration team of his own volition and requested the withdrawal of his candidacy, and suggested that he not be put up again for, at minimum, a period of six months time. As a result, Procyonlotor’s admin candidacy has been withdrawn. (source)
In the voting thread for the new promotions policy,[10]https://archive.ph/oQa3I the time required to be nominated to administrator after a failed attempt was extended by a wide margin of votes to one year.[11]http://05command.wikidot.com/forum/t-14153366/voting-thread-promotions-policy#post-5049936
Doxing Users
Procyon’s notable work as a chat operator included lesser known and more politically damning activates, such as doxing chat trolls through IP harvesting techniques exclusive to SCP Wiki IRC staff[12]https://controlc.com/a3e43c17 — in one instance finding the individual’s school, and calling their administration to try and have the troll (a minor and a student) punished academically for his online activities.[13]https://controlc.com/9de5578c ProcyonLotor participated in a similar doxing of another minor, wherein he and fellow notable site users such as djkaktus, DrEverettMann, and AdminBright obtained the individual’s phone number and attempted retribution by speaking to the individual’s parents.[14]https://controlc.com/8a17ad3b
The doxing retrieved the users’ IP addresses, which Procyon solicited from IRC staff. He then utilized the geographical data from the IP addresses to (1) obtain the phone number of one of the children’s parents (which DrEverettMann and AdminBright, both Administrators, called to scold the individual), and (2) call a school that the other individual was accessing the SCP chat room from in an attempt to get him into disciplinary trouble with his school’s administration.
It is also of note that staff regard doxing an individual as an ultimate form of harassment, worthy of a permaban. ProcyonLotor has never been disciplined or cited in any fashion for this behavior, despite bragging about it in invite-only chats (i.e. #rogetbox), as well as public-facing ones (i.e. #site17).
↑1 | https://archive.ph/TS4M7 |
↑2 | https://archive.ph/XxMUn |
↑3 | https://archive.ph/B7haZ |
↑4 | https://archive.ph/iPKFz |
↑5 | https://web.archive.org/web/20211021134335/https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/every-damn-time |
↑6 | https://www.containmentfiction.net/wiki/chat-logs/ |
↑7 | https://www.containmentfiction.net/wiki/procyonlotor-chat/ |
↑8 | https://web.archive.org/web/20180326020953/http://05command.wikidot.com/forum/t-2212889/disciplinary-procyonlotor |
↑9 | https://archive.ph/n3JH2 |
↑10 | https://archive.ph/oQa3I |
↑11 | http://05command.wikidot.com/forum/t-14153366/voting-thread-promotions-policy#post-5049936 |
↑12 | https://controlc.com/a3e43c17 |
↑13 | https://controlc.com/9de5578c |
↑14 | https://controlc.com/8a17ad3b |