In-Universe In the context of the SCP Foundation, “in-universe” refers to perspectives, explanations, or narratives that exist within the fictional reality of the SCP Foundation universe. These accounts treat the SCP Foundation, its contained anomalies, and related organizations as real entities within that fictional world. In-universe content is typically written from the perspective of Foundation ..
Archives : March-2025
“A thing that does a thing”, or ATTDAT in acronym, is a common phrase in containment fiction to describe an article that lacks narrative development, and that is primarily composed of an anomalous object and a mechanism of action. The concept is strongly associated with Series 1 and pre-Series 1 SCPs. For example, SCP-173 is ..
Notice: The formulas on this page do not adapt well to the Wiki’s dark mode. It is recommended to use light mode for this page (bottom right toggle), or while reading the formulas. Controversy index, or CI, is a unitless value used as a loose mathematical tool to indirectly quantify a containment fiction work’s controversial ..
Redaction/expungement are literary devices common to containment fiction articles that censor information in order to create mystery, intrigue, and drama. The tactic is associated with containment fiction documents/articles, and not precedent forms of fiction, e.g. The Holders or creepypasta in general. The device originated on 4chan’s /x/ in an effort to further convey a bureaucratic ..
This article is a work in progress. “I can’t speak for others, but to me, my tales are much more personal. An SCP is built according to a preexisting format, and you can usually only go so far with one. A tale, on the other hand, is pure creative potential. I’m defensive about my tales ..
“The central idea isn’t that important… it’s what you do with it.”[1]— WikiDot user and SCP author Grigori Karpin “Anomaly As Vehicle” is a broad compositional philosophy and methodology that considers the anomaly of a containment fiction entry as secondary or negligible with respect to the article’s narrative intent and focus. While more popular in ..
“milk +1” is an idiom for a style of comment used to express favor and adulation on a containment fiction article. The comments are short, blunt, and sometimes of the format “[topical object/buzzword/phrase] +1”. They otherwise typically (1) repeat the subject matter of the article in few words, (2) offer one-word adjudications (e.g. “good”), and/or (3) ..
“What makes this win is how different each one is from the last. The Holders series, while creepy for the first few you read, eventually becomes so formulaic that all its scary potential is gone. Working on my own SCP now.”[1] Thread #448755 is a thread on 4chan’s /x/, started on January 20, 2008. It ..
Cross-prompting, “anomaly placeholding”, or just “prompting” is a compositional technique wherein a future series slot is used in a work of containment fiction, prompting its eventual creation based on the context of the initial use. For example, if in a theoretical RPC-2830 article, a not-yet created “RPC-3042” is mentioned as being a sentient weather phenomenon, ..
“Does The Black Moon Howl?” is a memetic catchphrase & community shibboleth both in-universe and out-of-universe at the SCP Wiki that is commonly associated with elevated ranks and security clearances. The phrase is seen in numerous SCPs, mostly as the signal initiation of a code or passphrase, to which authors vary the given answer.[1] The ..