Archives : December-2022

Note: This article is about a previous SCP entry that no longer occupies the numerical designation (“non-viable”). The first SCP-176 was an early SCP entry that introduced numerous lasting elements to the SCP format and lore. It was posted to 4chan’s /x/ board in thread # 444231.[1] It is notable in the history of containment ..

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The Holder of Love is an article from the Holders series. Unlike the majority of Holders articles, it does not contain a ritual but rather details how horribly doomed the Seeker is if they ever attempt to obtain this Object. Published April 2007, the Holder of Love is one of the oldest examples of a ..

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Note: This is an encyclopedia for containment fiction. While the lineage of containment fiction projects such as SCP and liminal fiction projects such as The Backrooms are clear, this encyclopedia regards liminal fiction as a separate area of study, and is noted here in so far as it relates to containment fiction. Thorough sources for ..

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“001 needs to make you question reality.”[1] The first slot, also commonly known as a 001 entry, is the the first entry on a containment fiction series list. Most 001s aspire to explore/explain the origins of the containment organization, be large-scope pieces of lore, and/or be exceptionally classified in-universe, available to top credentials only. The 001 ..

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“It’s one thing for an addenda to portray Foundation personnel as displaying human emotion and weakness, it’s another thing entirely if what’s implied is incompetence and lack of control to the point of ridiculousness that makes the reader question if such people would really be hired in the first place.” — Zyn, 2012[1] lolFoundation is ..

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This article is a stub. You can help by creating/editing a page on the UserWiki. The x000 contests are a series of writing competitions organized by the SCP Wiki’s community outreach team. They are conducted once the community has produced 999 articles, with the winner receiving the 1,000th slot. It is considered a highly prestigious ..

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The SCP Wiki is the original series of containment fiction and has existed since 2007. SCP stands for “Secure, Contain, and Protect”, a backronym to the letters accompanying the first example of its kind, SCP-173.[1] SCP began on 4chan’s “Paranormal” board (more commonly known as /x/) in 2007, when an anonymous user S.S. Walrus (now ..

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Note: This is a series of essays originally written by pixelatedHarmony, with some later additions by Decibelle and Modern_Erasmus. Content 1 History of the Universe: Part I 2 History of the Universe: Part II 3 History of the Universe: Part III 4 History of the Universe: Part IV 5 History of the Universe: Part V ..

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Ftrivia SCP-173 is the first piece of containment fiction written in the SCP format, prior to it gaining that nomenclature.[1] It is one of the embryonic works of containment fiction and arguably the most important and influential work of the entire genre. SCP-173 was originally posted anonymously on 4chan’s /x/ board by Moto42 (then credited ..

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A Main List is the primary vector for organizing the primary contents of a containment fiction writing collection, a long list of all articles usually in numerically chronological order with listed titles. The style was originally designed by the Holders and popularized by the SCP Wiki. Most containment fiction communities have utilized this since then, ..

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