This article is a work in progress. “I can’t speak for others, but to me, my tales are much more personal. An SCP is built according to a preexisting format, and you can usually only go so far with one. A tale, on the other hand, is pure creative potential. I’m defensive about my tales ..
Archives : January-2023
For the character, please refer to the Fandom Wiki entry. Dr Gears, previously known as “Cog”, is an author of containment fiction and creepypasta, and one of the earliest and most notable contributors to the SCP Series/Wiki. He is the author of classic SCPs such as SCP-682, SCP-106, SCP-882, SCP-914, and numerous other works. He ..
This article is currently outsourced. You can help by creating/editing a page on the UserWiki. You will be redirecte..
The Holder of Love is an article from the Holders series. Unlike the majority of Holders articles, it does not contain a ritual but rather details how horribly doomed the Seeker is if they ever attempt to obtain this Object. Published April 2007, the Holder of Love is one of the oldest examples of a ..
Note: This is an encyclopedia for containment fiction. While the lineage of containment fiction projects such as SCP and liminal fiction projects such as The Backrooms are clear, this encyclopedia regards liminal fiction as a separate area of study, and is noted here in so far as it relates to containment fiction. Thorough sources for ..
Moto42, also known as S.S. Walrus, is the author of the first SCP, SCP-173 and the creator of the format and acronym that would later define the SCP Foundation. He posted SCP-173 to the /x/ board of 4chan in June of 2007, but had no further involvement with the SCP Foundation beyond some sporadic contact ..
Archivist’s Note: The following is partially derived from an essay written in 2013 by Cooldude971, who was a lurker in the Holders community. Wherever possible, statements are supported with citations to archived sources. However, at many points, personal memory of events and forum posts are invoked which never made it into the Wayback Machine. “It ..
Note: This is a series of essays originally written by pixelatedHarmony, with some later additions by Decibelle and Modern_Erasmus. Content 1 History of the Universe: Part I 2 History of the Universe: Part II 3 History of the Universe: Part III 4 History of the Universe: Part IV 5 History of the Universe: Part V ..
Ftrivia SCP-173 is the first piece of containment fiction written in the SCP format, prior to it gaining that nomenclature.[1] It is one of the embryonic works of containment fiction and arguably the most important and influential work of the entire genre. SCP-173 was originally posted anonymously on 4chan’s /x/ board by Moto42 (then credited ..
This article is a work in progress. The RPC Authority[1] is a containment fiction community founded in response to the SCP Wiki’s June 2018 controversy. It was originally created by CFOperator, who oversaw the unstable founding of the site which was eventually stabilized by his successors. The eponymous RPC Authority, more commonly referred to as ..