The WikiDot Blackout of 2022, also known as The Great WikiDot Outage of 2022, was an interruption in WikiDot services beginning on May 19, 2022. It was the longest WikiDot outage known to date and arrested all activity on all major containment fiction platforms for its duration, as well as third-party applications, such as the ..
Archives : June-2022
SCP-111, titled “Dragonsnails“, is an article written by WikiDot user Adam Henderson, and was posted to the SCP Wiki in May of 2012. It has received widespread praise and has been translated into 13 languages.[1] Copyright Infringement Dragonsnails is also the title of a series of proprietary images and copyright-protected sculptures by DeviantArt artist ..
The 2021 SkipIRC Ownership Change was a transfer of ownership of the SCP Wiki’s IRC (internet relay chat), also known as “SkipIRC”, that occurred in September 2021. On Sept 22, 2021 staff member LilyFlower announced on the O5 Command forums that a change of ownership had occurred with the SCP Wiki IRC server, which houses ..

The June 2018 Pride Controversy, or simply “the Logo Fiasco”, was an incident that took place on the SCP Foundation Wiki that was meant to celebrate and advertise the LGBTQ+ friendliness of the site during Pride Month, but that resulted in lasting controversy. It indirectly resulted in the creation of alternate containment fiction platforms, ..
The Cerastes Incident, also known as “The November 2020 (Disciplinary) Incident”, “The Great Seal Incident”, or “The Events of November 2020”, was a failed disciplinary action in November 2020[1] attempted against WikiDot user and staff member Cerastes[2] that caused widespread and lasting controversy. It can be divided into two arms; one for each disciplinary attempt, ..
2018-05-05 03:33:16: <Decibelle> im p sure prototype_toaster is a channer, like id bet a lot on that 03:33:29: <MrAnakinSpecter> who’s that, deci? 03:34:44: <Decibelle> 03:34:44: <MrAnakinSpecter> oh yeah okay nevermind i see what you mean 03:34:47: <Decibelle> this is also the same dude who 03:34:50: <Decibelle> in the anti-harassment policy 03:35:00: <Decibelle> asked if insulting zyn or scantron off the wiki counts as harassment 03:35:39: <MrAnakinSpecter> OH 03:35:42: <MrAnakinSpecter> that weenie 03:37:43: <MrAnakinSpecter> “Gamers ..
Moto42, also known as S.S. Walrus, is the author of the first SCP, SCP-173 and the creator of the format and acronym that would later define the SCP Foundation. He posted SCP-173 to the /x/ board of 4chan in June of 2007, but had no further involvement with the SCP Foundation beyond some sporadic contact ..
This article is a stub. You can help by creating/editing a page on the UserWiki. The x000 contests are a series of writing competitions organized by the SCP Wiki’s community outreach team. They are conducted once the community has produced 999 articles, with the winner receiving the 1,000th slot. It is considered a highly prestigious ..
We’re not paying ourselves enough to be bureaucrats is a thread posted to the SCP Wiki Staff’s discussion forum,[1] 05command, protesting the recently adopted charter. The post was written by Sorts, an Administrator who was himself a containment fiction pioneer who is responsible for the modern conceptualization of anomalous memes. When the SCP Wiki was ..
Note: Most citations on this page are hyperlinked and are in the process of being converted to appear in the “References” section. Please pardon our progress. #StandWithSCPRU is the hashtag given to represent the social media campaign and lawsuit against Andrei Duksin‘s illegal trademarking of the SCP Foundation logo in the Eurasian Customs Union (ECU).[1][2] ..