The SCP-RU 2017 License Crisis was an international diplomacy event that led to the brief excommunication of the Russian branch of the SCP Wiki (-RU) from and by the English branch (-EN). It was based around debate regarding the site’s Creative Commons By-Attribution, Share-Alike 3.0 license (CC BY-SA 3.0). On March 19th, 2017, longtime administrator ..
Archives : November-2021
This article is a stub. You can help by creating/editing a page on the UserWiki. The SCP-3085 deletion incident was a community event in the SCP Wiki that took place on June 15th 2021, after a dispute between the author “ObserverSeptember” and SCP Wiki staff’s Licensing Team. The original SCP-3085 was self-deleted as a political ..
This article is a work in progress. You can help by creating/editing a page on the UserWiki. The RPC Authority[1] is a containment fiction community founded in response to the SCP Wiki’s June 2018 controversy. It was originally created by CFOperator, who oversaw the unstable founding of the site which was eventually stabilized by his ..
ProcyonLotor, also known as CrocutaCrocuta, CorvusCaurinus, or simply “Procy”, was a SCP Wiki Senior Staff member, serving as a moderator, chat operator, and captain of multiple teams, until December 2021. ProcyonLotor was in charge of the Licensing Team since at least 2018[1] and was a member of the team since at least 2016. He was ..
This article is a work in progress and needs additional citations. Fishmonger, also known as “I Am A Potato”, was a moderator and major contributor of containment fiction to the early SCP Wiki. Although his contributions[1] were universally lauded at the time of his membership, he was later demoted due to his persistent issues with ..
Andrei Vladimirovich Duksin (Andrey; Duxin; WikiDot user TechnoMage/ARTSCP) is a Russian entrepreneur, owner of the ARTSCP media company,[1] and the trademark holder for the SCP Foundation logo in the Russian Federation’s Federal Intellectual Property Service (Rospatent).[2] Duksin is infamous within the greater SCP communities as the individual who illegally trademarked the SCP Foundation logo, which ..
Administrator (Admin) is the highest position in the SCP staff structure. With it comes access to tools, permissions, and functions on the wiki. An Admin can alter staff (e.g. appoint or remove team captains), declare exemptions to rules and etcetera motions by fiat (e.g. making exceptions to the rules, whether for themselves or others, without ..
Are We Cool Yet? is the name of a Group of Interest in the SCP Wiki that mixes anomalous artifacts and processes with art. Members of the GoI primarily create anomalous art that acts as an expressive vehicle for some societal, political, or philosophical message (or the lack thereof), the artistic legitimacy of which may ..
The 2021 Death of the Author episode, also referred to as “Community Vote on Harmony’s Articles 2021”, “The Fate of Harmony’s Articles”, or the “Harmony Article Fiasco”, is an internal crisis to the SCP Wiki that took place in February 2021. It was a response to the long-time staff member and author formerly known as ..