Archives : July-2022

This article is a stub and needs additional citations. You can help by creating/editing a page on the UserWiki. The Chaos Insurgency Wiki is a containment fiction writing website and its associating community.[1] It is an unofficial spin-off from the SCP Foundation’s canon focused on the ‘group of interest’ of the same name. Writing Chaos ..

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“It’s one thing for an addenda to portray Foundation personnel as displaying human emotion and weakness, it’s another thing entirely if what’s implied is incompetence and lack of control to the point of ridiculousness that makes the reader question if such people would really be hired in the first place.” — Zyn, 2012[1] lolFoundation is ..

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The SCP Wiki is the original series of containment fiction and has existed since 2007. SCP stands for “Secure, Contain, and Protect”, a backronym to the letters accompanying the first example of its kind, SCP-173.[1] SCP began on 4chan’s “Paranormal” board (more commonly known as /x/) in 2007, when an anonymous user S.S. Walrus (now ..

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Are We Cool Yet? is the name of a Group of Interest in the SCP Wiki that mixes anomalous artifacts and processes with art. Members of the GoI primarily create anomalous art that acts as an expressive vehicle for some societal, political, or philosophical message (or the lack thereof), the artistic legitimacy of which may ..

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