Archives : June-2022

The WikiDot Blackout of 2022, also known as The Great WikiDot Outage of 2022, was an interruption in WikiDot services beginning on May 19, 2022. It was the longest WikiDot outage known to date and arrested all activity on all major containment fiction platforms for its duration, as well as third-party applications, such as the ..

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“001 needs to make you question reality.”[1] The first slot, also commonly known as a 001 entry, is the the first entry on a containment fiction series list. Most 001s aspire to explore/explain the origins of the containment organization, be large-scope pieces of lore, and/or be exceptionally classified in-universe, available to top credentials only. The 001 ..

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SCP-111, titled “Dragonsnails“, is an article written by WikiDot user Adam Henderson, and was posted to the SCP Wiki in May of 2012. It has received widespread praise and has been translated into 13 languages.[1]   Copyright Infringement Dragonsnails is also the title of a series of proprietary images and copyright-protected sculptures by DeviantArt artist ..

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  The June 2018 Pride Controversy, or simply “the Logo Fiasco”, was an incident that took place on the SCP Foundation Wiki that was meant to celebrate and advertise the LGBTQ+ friendliness of the site during Pride Month, but that resulted in lasting controversy. It indirectly resulted in the creation of alternate containment fiction platforms, ..

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This article is a stub. You can help by creating/editing a page on the UserWiki. The Wayward Society[1] is a containment fiction community depicting the eponymous organization, an American cryptid-hunting group. Articles document how to find cryptid creatures and supernatural phenomena in the wild. The current iteration of the site is largely defunct due to ..

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Note: Most citations on this page are hyperlinked and are in the process of being converted to appear in the “References” section. Please pardon our progress. #StandWithSCPRU is the hashtag given to represent the social media campaign and lawsuit against Andrei Duksin‘s illegal trademarking of the SCP Foundation logo in the Eurasian Customs Union (ECU).[1][2] ..

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The SCP Wiki is the original series of containment fiction and has existed since 2007. SCP stands for “Secure, Contain, and Protect”, a backronym to the letters accompanying the first example of its kind, SCP-173.[1] SCP began on 4chan’s “Paranormal” board (more commonly known as /x/) in 2007, when an anonymous user S.S. Walrus (now ..

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Note: This is a series of essays originally written by pixelatedHarmony, with some later additions by Decibelle and Modern_Erasmus. Content 1 History of the Universe: Part I 2 History of the Universe: Part II 3 History of the Universe: Part III 4 History of the Universe: Part IV 5 History of the Universe: Part V ..

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The SCP-RU 2017 License Crisis was an international diplomacy event that led to the brief excommunication of the Russian branch of the SCP Wiki (-RU) from and by the English branch (-EN). It was based around debate regarding the site’s Creative Commons By-Attribution, Share-Alike 3.0 license (CC BY-SA 3.0). On March 19th, 2017, longtime administrator ..

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This article is a work in progress. You can help by creating/editing a page on the UserWiki. The Liminal Archives is a containment fiction community founded as an offshoot of the Backrooms/Tech Support community which utilizes some of the latter’s formats and aesthetic. Liminal, as used by the Archives, means: Liminality is the state of ..

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