Archives : January-2023

This article is a work in progress. “I can’t speak for others, but to me, my tales are much more personal. An SCP is built according to a preexisting format, and you can usually only go so far with one. A tale, on the other hand, is pure creative potential. I’m defensive about my tales ..

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The Society for Containment Fiction (SCF) is a Discord server and loose social group that is largely considered an antagonist force in and to the containment fiction space. It acts as a hub for cross-community discussion, as well as the group’s related projects. The founder has described the community as “a group of people studying ..

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This article is a stub. You can help by creating/editing a page on the UserWiki. Level 1 is the most popular article within the Liminal Archives containment fiction community. It has composite authorship, having been written and rewritten by multiple authors at different times. The article itself is about an infinite space which primarily serves ..

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The WikiDot Blackout of 2022, also known as The Great WikiDot Outage of 2022, was an interruption in WikiDot services beginning on May 19, 2022. It was the longest WikiDot outage known to date and arrested all activity on all major containment fiction platforms for its duration, as well as third-party applications, such as the ..

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Note: This is an encyclopedia for containment fiction. While the lineage of containment fiction projects such as SCP and liminal fiction projects such as The Backrooms are clear, this encyclopedia regards liminal fiction as a separate area of study, and is noted here in so far as it relates to containment fiction. Thorough sources for ..

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“001 needs to make you question reality.”[1] The first slot, also commonly known as a 001 entry, is the the first entry on a containment fiction series list. Most 001s aspire to explore/explain the origins of the containment organization, be large-scope pieces of lore, and/or be exceptionally classified in-universe, available to top credentials only. The 001 ..

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A Main List is the primary vector for organizing the primary contents of a containment fiction writing collection, a long list of all articles usually in numerically chronological order with listed titles. The style was originally designed by the Holders and popularized by the SCP Wiki. Most containment fiction communities have utilized this since then, ..

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This article is a work in progress. You can help by creating/editing a page on the UserWiki. The Liminal Archives is a containment fiction community founded as an offshoot of the Backrooms/Tech Support community which utilizes some of the latter’s formats and aesthetic. Liminal, as used by the Archives, means: Liminality is the state of ..

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Creepypasta is an internet-borne genre of storytelling based on copy/pasting scary stories to disperse widely online. It takes its name from “copy pasta” which is the practice of taking blocks of text and repeating them in many different contexts. It is the direct predecessor to containment fiction, and confic can be seen as a spin-off ..

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