Arca Gunnay on The Holders: Part I This is a 2021 interview with Arca Gunnay, who had a fair amount of influence on It is conducted by SCF member and containment fiction author Worm That Walks. —————————————– You’ll have to forgive me for a bit of indulgence into these questions, as this was ..
Archives : November-2021
Arca Gunnay on The Holders: Part II This is a 2021 interview with Arca Gunnay, who had a fair amount of influence on It is conducted by SCF member and containment fiction author Worm That Walks. ——————————— 1. What were the most influential articles posted on Holders, and how did they influence future ..

This is an oral history by Warpez, Liminal Archives’ founder. I must preface this by saying that I sank roughly 7-8 months of my life into this project, and I both interacted with the community on the server and worked on the site for probably a collective hour or two on a daily basis, ..
Interview with TheVolgun conducted by the SCF on July 3rd 2021 Why did you begin making SCP reading videos? Back in 2011 – 2012 – I was making dramatic readings of funny copypasta on soundcloud as I just got my first microphone (a Samson c01u, not really good for VO but it was all I ..
The following is an interview taken place between pixelatedHarmony and SCP author Tanhony. When you were writing SCP-5000, how did you approach the containment procedures? Tanhony: They weren’t really my focus to be perfectly honest. I figured i’d go for something short and unassuming for them, like just putting them in a locker or ..
Mortos is a longtime SCP writer who achieved an iconic success with his SCP-3008 entry. These are his thoughts on containment procedure in SCP fiction writing. Were the containment procedures written closer to the start or the end of SCP-3008’s development? Mortos: The containment procedures were written at the start, and then tweaked to accommodate ..
LurkD is a longtime author for the online fiction collective The SCP Foundation and shares their thoughts on how the writing format affects the writing process. How did you approach the visual communication of containment procedures, from both an in-universe and out-of-universe perspective? LurkD: I thought of a result I wanted and then laid out ..
The following is an interview of SCP Wiki author LordStonefish, conducted by PixelatedHarmony over Discord. Q: How did it feel to see 3999 blow up and become a hugely important and influential article? A: Odd. It was personal in a way that feels more and more remote as time goes on. That fourth wall breaking ..
The following is an interview with The Administrator, conducted by pixelatedHarmony under a previous name, seen here. How did you find the SCP Series? I’ve always dabbled in writing, nothing ever serious. After starting and stopping 3 or 4 books, most of my attempts stayed in the short, short story range. Things like telling ghost ..
When you were writing your 001 proposal, at what point in the process of writing the article did you have the final or close-to-final containment procedures? Clef: It was pretty much the first thing that I wrote. The containment procedures were simple: “Keep the location of the Garden secret, and don’t let anyone approach it ..