Archives : November-2021

The following is an interview with The Administrator, conducted by pixelatedHarmony under a previous name, seen here. How did you find the SCP Series? I’ve always dabbled in writing, nothing ever serious. After starting and stopping 3 or 4 books, most of my attempts stayed in the short, short story range. Things like telling ghost ..

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The SCP Wiki is the original series of containment fiction and has existed since 2007. SCP stands for “Secure, Contain, and Protect”, a backronym to the letters accompanying the first example of its kind, SCP-173.[1] SCP began on 4chan’s “Paranormal” board (more commonly known as /x/) in 2007, when an anonymous user S.S. Walrus (now ..

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Note: This is a series of essays originally written by pixelatedHarmony, with some later additions by Decibelle and Modern_Erasmus. Content 1 History of the Universe: Part I 2 History of the Universe: Part II 3 History of the Universe: Part III 4 History of the Universe: Part IV 5 History of the Universe: Part V ..

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Administrator (Admin) is the highest position in the SCP staff structure. With it comes access to tools, permissions, and functions on the wiki. An Admin can alter staff (e.g. appoint or remove team captains), declare exemptions to rules and etcetera motions by fiat (e.g. making exceptions to the rules, whether for themselves or others, without ..

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