Xian was an early containment fiction author who wrote several lasting contributions to SCP Series 1, including SCP-002 and SCP-003. While there is no explicit record of Xian writing/publishing SCP-002 on EditThis archives, records show that SCP-002 and SCP-003 were written by the same anonymous author on /x/.[1]https://archive.ph/QNbYp#selection-7983.0-7983.63 Works SCP-003 (“Biological Motherboard”) SCP-003 is Xian’s ..
Archives : March-2024

WikiDot is an online wiki farm that has become the primary platform for hosting containment fiction and liminal fiction communities since 2008. Notable communities hosted on WikiDot include the SCP Foundation, Wayward Society, Backrooms Wiki, RPC Authority, Liminal Archives, and their associated sandbox sites. The platform has played a crucial role in developing collaborative ..
Redaction/expungement are literary devices common to containment fiction articles that censor information in order to create mystery, intrigue, and drama. The tactic is associated with containment fiction documents/articles, and not precedent forms of fiction, e.g. The Holders or creepypasta in general. The device originated on 4chan’s /x/ in an effort to further convey a bureaucratic ..
Anonypoet, later known as scroton,[1]https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/forum/t-77170/scp-579#post-1491835[2]https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/forum/t-533779/scp-071#post-1515116 was an early SCP author, active on EditThis and WikiDot. They are most notable for writing SCP-579 (“[DATA EXPUNGED]”), though they also wrote SCP-1398 (“Hateful Dead”), and a non-viable (rewritten) SCP-071 (“New-Age Succubus”). They are known for their work with expungement/redaction. SCPs SCP-579 (“[DATA EXPUNGED]”) SCP-579 was written and first ..
This article is a work in progress. “I can’t speak for others, but to me, my tales are much more personal. An SCP is built according to a preexisting format, and you can usually only go so far with one. A tale, on the other hand, is pure creative potential. I’m defensive about my tales ..
Arcibi, also known previously as Arc and “Captain Cactus and the Water Preservation Squad”, is an early SCP author, mainly active on /x/ and EditThis. They wrote SCP-294 (“The Coffee Machine”), SCP-127 (“The Living Gun”), and a non-viable SCP-627 (“The Companion Cube”).[1]http://web.archive.org/web/20080521072851/http://editthis.info/scp_wiki/User:Arc[2]https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/arcibi-s-file[3]https://archive.ph/QNbYp#selection-9872.1-9925.282[4]https://archive.ph/nLPU3[5]http://web.archive.org/web/20080611234057/http://www.editthis.info/scp_wiki/?title=SCP-627&action=history SCPs SCP-294 – “The Coffee Machine” SCP-294 is an early and influential SCP ..
For the character, please refer to the Fandom Wiki entry. Dr Gears, previously known as “Cog”, is an author of containment fiction and creepypasta, and one of the earliest and most notable contributors to the SCP Series/Wiki. He is the author of classic SCPs such as SCP-682, SCP-106, SCP-882, SCP-914, and numerous other works. He ..
Thread #573348,[1]https://archive.vn/dIUWj also known as The Emergence of Dr Gears, was a thread on 4chan’s /x/, started on April 3, 2008. It represents a third wave of new SCP entries from /x/ (the first two being Thread #448755 and Thread #453291) and marks the introduction of numerous notable SCPs, most of which were written & posted by ..
“Man, this article’s perception REALLY shifted over time, huh.”[1]https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/forum/t-77584/scp-113#post-5252117 SCP-113, also known as “The Gender Switcher”, is a work of containment fiction initially written in 2008 on 4chan’s /x/ board by pseudonymous user Robin Sure, and that currently exists on the SCP Wiki in a rewritten form.[2]https://archive.ph/QNbYp#selection-21479.0-21527.1441[3]https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-113 The anomaly is a piece of red jasper ..
Note: This article is about an article that no longer occupies the stated numerical designation (“non-viable”). The initial SCP-1926 (“Meet The Mewts”, “The Mewts”) was a containment fiction article posted to the SCP Foundation Wiki on March 28, 2013, about magical, animated children’s plush toys, called “Mewts”.[1]https://web.archive.org/web/20190129210348/https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-1926 The article was well-received and enjoyed notoriety and ..