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This article tracks the history of horror fiction on the Internet starting with horror fiction on Usenet in the 1990s, continuing through the rise of creepypasta on the /b/ board of 4chan in summer ...

SCP-927 (the Hadron Bomb) is an SCP article about an explosive device created from the Hadron Collidor. If the device is disturbed, it could detonate and create a supermassive black hole. First ...

The Foundation is a containment fiction community originating in the web browser game Politics and War. Originally themed around the SCP Wiki's article SCP-1715, The Foundation would go on to ...

"We apologize to all promotion candidates, the IO captains and Akimoto for the nature of these miscommunications." The DrAkimoto Incident, also informally referred to as "The Akimoto Clusterf██k", was ...[1]archived ...

"This is a issue that happens a lot with the older entries. When they were getting shifted, people just grabbed handfuls of them and started shifting them over. Many of them are by Anon, and some ... ...

Fishmonger/Fishmongering -- Fishmonger was an early notable author of the SCP Wiki who wrote popular articles, including the Wanderlust series. Fishmonger was known for his abrasive personality. ...

The Holder of Love is an article from the Holders series. Unlike the majority of Holders articles, it does not contain a ritual but rather details how horribly doomed the Seeker is if they ever ...

The Holders Wikichan page was created on January 7, 2007, but crashed and had to be rebuilt at the very end of February. As such, little is known about the first two months beyond two February 2007 ...
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