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Note: this is not meant to be a serious article proposal; this is to core an article and will make too many conclusions for this to ever be the work of one person. Such an article will need to be a ...

The WikiDot Blackout of 2022, also known as The Great WikiDot Outage of 2022, was an interruption in WikiDot services beginning on May 19, 2022. It was the longest WikiDot outage known to date and ...

Arkhos — 05/05/2022You know, this all started with RSC; a Turkish version of SCP. RSC still remains as the one fiction which got most people working on it. After Odrin was declared as a separate f ...

Like all artistic genres, containment fiction and liminal fiction can be divided into stages of development, or large movements, here in terms of "waves". Each wave is seen as a reaction to the ...

Please note: While there is a clear cultural lineage between containment fiction projects like SCP and liminal fiction projects like the Backrooms, this website regards liminal fiction as a separate ...

Unlike the SCP Foundation, there are multiple independent websites about the Backrooms. This "article" (I'm not quite sure what this is going to be, but it will probably be more of a reference sheet ...

In the context of Containment Fiction, Group(s) or Person(s) of Interest is an in-universe actor which exists to serve either as a protagonist or antagonist of the fiction depending on the perspective ...

Original image of SCP-682 SCP-682 is a big, soft, cuddly lizard who just wants to be friends. Description SCP-682 is a fictional character created by Dr. Gears for the SCP Foundation English W ...

SCP-232's image SCP-232-ARC (hereafter SCP-232) is an archived SCP about a relief statue that casts harmful shadows. The SCP was first posted on January 13, 2008 and is still present on the SCP ...

The first slot, also commonly known as a oo1 entry, the first entry on an article list, is a venerated position for a piece of containment fiction to have. Most major containment fiction ...